Friday, January 11, 2008

"Just look at me. Look at me now, I'm a fake." - I'm A Fake - The Used

"Oh my gosh, she's so fake!"

If you look around enough, you hear this phrase more than enough. What do you see when you read this sentence on the internet, or maybe even a book or magazine? A tall, tan girl who's very thin and bottle blond, with fake boobs and wide hips? A girl who piles on makeup as if it were her very lifeline and looks foolish for doing it? A girl who walks around saying she's someone she's more than clearly not? Is this all it takes to make a fake? I don't think so.
I think everyone can be a little fake at times. I mean, we have to be; we don't want society eating our brains out for little things, so we make intricate masks to hide the shameful secrets we hold. It's quite simple, really.
So why are we making out just a small percentage of people to be "fake", while we ourselves hide the deepest feelings? Who knows, who knows? I'm just a girl, but look at me, look at me now. I'M A FAKE.


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