Monday, April 14, 2008

"Is this the only evidence that proves it, a photograph of you and I?" Was It A Dream, 30 Seconds to Mars

Okay, so the lyrics have nothing to do with the post. Well, they kind of do, in the sense that they're by the band that I will probably fall in love with next. Mmm, their singer already has me. Jared Leto...The name rolls off the tongue, though? Too bad the man's 22 years older than me. A full decade older than Mr. Bert McCracken, eh? I just hope that the age scale doesn't get older than Kurt -- if he were alive right now, he'd be a whopping 42 years old! Is this normal? Don't answer that.
Anyway, Jared Leto is the lead singer of a band called 30 Seconds to Mars, along with the guitar...ehm, I didn't know how to say it. He's also an actor, his movies including Fight Club, Panic Room, Requiem For A Dream, and Alexander. He's got a 5 star rating in looks, but with blond hair, he reminds me of a certain McCracken. This can't be can't mean that I have a thing for scruffy, long, dark haired guys, right? Because Kurt Cobain had blond hair. (Although, I will admit, Bert McCracken got me hooked on blue eyes...his and Kurt's are so amazing!)
School's going alright. Had a butt abscess removed, but other than that, every thing's fine. We're going to have to write a paper about a quote of Anne Frank's though. D'oh! Why must we learn about the Holocaust in Language!? This amuses me a little, even though the Holocaust is a very sad subject.
Nothing really exciting happened, so don't feel too bad.


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