Tuesday, December 25, 2007

"So this is Christmas...and what have you done?" - John Lennon, The Used

Okay, so today is Christmas. Am I supposed to feel any different? If not, then I must not have gotten the memo, because I don't. I'm not sure whether to fake being happy and cheery or to just let it go.
A little bit about me, seeing as this is my first post; My name is Mia (aka ANTIKIRA), I'm a bit of a weirdo, and my favorite band is My Chemical Romance. They didn't "save my life" or anything like that, I just like to listen to them. I admit, I do care a little more for the guys' well-being right now, and I have that right, because they're wearing themselves out doing all this touring. I mean, what's a fan supposed to do, sit back and watch their self-destruction and pretend not to notice and demand even more out of them? :/
I can't go without saying: I love the series Death Note. I could talk (or in this case, type) all day and all night about it and not get tired. I just love the characters and the plot and everything about it. My favorite characters would have to be Mello, Near, Matt, and of course, L. I would say I'm a bit like Mello, but not as smart or homicidal. Or addicted to chocolate (although I do love sweets now and then, but I digress). My least favorite character?...Misa. I know, a lot of people don't like her, but she gets on my nerves. How about this? What if Kira wasn't Light, but someone like, say...Watari (sorry, Watari). What would she do then, huh? Matsuda's totally cool, too. Just throwing it out there.
I love to laugh also. It sometimes varies how much it takes to make me laugh, and the easiest time has to be around 11:00 pm - 2:00 am. Also, anything having to do with Death Note that's utterly hilarious makes me laugh easier too. I have to be honest here; I have a spaz laugh. It just sounds really weird and people laugh at it, but I love it. It's my laugh, why shouldn't I?
I don't have anything else to say, really. I'll update when I feel like it, or when something totally outstands me to where I totally have to write about it.
